Easy Roasted Brussels Sprouts
This easy recipe for roasted brussels sprouts is so flavorful with a touch of honey and an optional addition of garlic and bacon! Be sure to try my roasted...
This easy recipe for roasted brussels sprouts is so flavorful with a touch of honey and an optional addition of garlic and bacon! Be sure to try my roasted...
This spinach pie recipe is made with eggs, caramelized onions, gruyere cheese, and golden puff pastry. An easy side dish idea for Thanksgiving or a family dinner!
Seasoned Pork Chops are covered in a thick and flavorful French Onion sauce with gravy and mushrooms. They are pan fried or baked in the oven. Top with hot,...
This hearty chili recipe from The Pioneer Woman has a perfect blend of seasonings, ground beef, and beans. It’s Stove Top, Crock Pot, and Instant Pot friendly and will...
Ina Garten’s Roast Chicken is a perfect recipe for whole, oven roasted chicken and vegetables with plenty of gravy to go around! Your family will love this dinner!
Oven baked broccoli in a creamy garlic Parmesan sauce. This make-ahead casserole recipe is a perfect side dish idea for family dinners and holidays! This is a perfect side...
Bobby Flay’s famous Italian Meatball Recipe has a 3-meat combo that you can make on the stove top or in the Crock Pot. Simmer the meatballs in his homemade...
Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes and Ham are the best way to feed a crowd and can be made ahead of time and refrigerated or frozen. Bake them in the oven...
These perfectly golden fried pickles are easy to make and are a perfect appetizer idea for a party. Once you taste this batter recipe you’ll want to use it...
This Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole has super creamy eggs, bacon (or sausage), and 2 kinds of cheese! It’s easy to make ahead of time and is perfectly freezer-friendly! Be...
White Cheddar Stuffed Mushrooms are an easy make-ahead appetizer idea! They taste just like the Longhorn restaurant with a golden Parmesan crusted topping and flavorful white cheddar sauce. Love...
This Stuffing Casserole with sausage and green beans is an easy Thanksgiving side dish idea. Make on the Stove Top or in the Crock Pot! Love Casseroles? Try this...