Tuscan Chicken Pasta – One Pot!
This Tuscan Chicken Pasta recipe is an easy ONE POT recipe that you can make using any kind of pasta, from pappardelle to penne! You’ll love the creamy sauce,...
This Tuscan Chicken Pasta recipe is an easy ONE POT recipe that you can make using any kind of pasta, from pappardelle to penne! You’ll love the creamy sauce,...
This is the BEST tomato soup recipe that you can make from scratch with canned or fresh tomatoes. You have full control over the thickness of this soup and...
It’s easy to make a restaurant-quality meal at home with this Lemon Chicken recipe. The sauce is creamy and flavorful with a hint of tang! Capers and spinach are...
Roasted Asparagus is an easy side dish recipe that pairs well with lemon wedges, Parmesan, garlic, sliced almonds, and more!
These roasted potatoes are soft and fluffy on the inside and extra crispy on the outside! They’re tossed in the best potato seasoning mixture and make a perfect side...
This creamy Chicken Gnocchi Soup is so easy to make at home and tastes just like the famous soup from Olive Garden. Use fresh or leftover chicken and make...
Oven Roasted Green Beans make a great side dish recipe that’s easy to make with fresh or frozen green beans! Customize them by adding toppings such as almonds, garlic,...
These homemade buttermilk biscuits have fluffy, flaky layers and a sweet honey butter topping. They take just 35 minutes to make with just 6 ingredients! Be sure to serve...
Replicate Longhorn’s famous Parmesan Crusted Chicken Recipe right at home with this easy copycat recipe! The chicken starts off in a flavorful marinade before being seared in a skillet...
This One Pot Buffalo Chicken Pasta Recipe is easy to make in a skillet with a delicious cream sauce and your choice of pasta. Use fresh, rotisserie, or leftover...
Zucchini Crust Pizza is the BEST low carb recipe to make with fresh garden zucchini and your favorite pizza toppings. This recipe works well with a variety of flours,...
This homemade salsa recipe is easy to make with canned or fresh tomatoes! Simple ingredients blend together for an authentic Mexican salsa recipe that can be served mild or...